Native American Ecology
Sample Research Paper Topics
1. Subsistence Ecology and Gender Roles in Native American Society.
2. The Impact of the Horse on Plains Indian Society.
3. The Evolution of Plains Indian Warfare.
4. Navajo - Hopi Conflict over the Joint Use Area.
5. The Evolution of Navajo Society in the American Southwest.
6. The Ecology of Pueblo-Plains Indian Relations.
7. Subsistence, Diet and Disease among Native American Societies.
For Example:
--Diabetes and Changes in Native American Subsistence on the Reservation.
--Corn and Iron-Deficiency in pre-Contact Native American Societies.
8. Ecological and Social Implications of Prehistoric Irrigation in the American Southwest.
9. The Ecology of Subsistence Agriculture among Native American Societies.
10. Ecological Factors Underlying the Evolution of Mississippian Culture and the Rise of Cahokia.
11. The Ecological Aspects Associated with the Exploitation of a Specific Resource.
Examples: caribou, seal, corn, deer, moose, salmon.
12. The Ecology of Adaptation to Sub-Regional Environmental Differences.
--Arctic -- Northwest Coast -- Southwest -- Great Basin
--Great Plains -- Sub-Arctic -- Northeast -- Southeast
13. Ecology and Warfare among Native American Societies.
14. The Ecological and Social Consequences of the Overexploitation of Resources by Native American Societies.
15. Population Growth and the Evolution of Native American Society.
16. The Ecological and Social Consequences of Native American Population Decline following the Introduction of European Diseases.
17. Ecology and Potlatch among the Northwest Coast Indians.
18. The Ecology of Slavery among Native American Societies.
19. Ecology and Social Organization among Native American Societies.
The Impact of Technology on the
subsistence activities of the Inuit
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